Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just A Normal Day At Band (8/25/15)

Just an ordinary Tuesday. 

Yeah jazz band!!!!

This is NOT how you play the trombone! I REPEAT... This is NOT how you play the trombone!!!!

Kelsey's marching baritone SHRUNK??!!

Nope. NOT HAPPENING! I am NOT joining low brass! 

Hello chief!

YES!!! We finally have lines!!!

A beautiful sunset to see! Isn't it?

Sincerely. Your Friend,

The Webmaster 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Night Rehearsal #1

Tonight we didn't go down to the field to practice our field show due to the smoke, so we stayed inside and rehearsed. 

We had a full trumpet section!!!!

Nice work everyone! See you all Monday. 
God bless you all!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

The Webmaster 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Middle School Recruitment Day (8/20/15)

Hey everybody! Today was a great day! Our goal was to get at least 30 more band kids to sign up for band. 

The morning started out with us all getting our new band shirts!!! 

We then got on the bus and headed towards Wasuma elementary school. 

Everyone was so excited to get started! Weren't they?

Lots of kids!

Next, we headed over to OCI. 

Safety first! You'll always be safe when you're with the band!! ;)

They all had a blast! Literally! Go brass! (And every one else too)!

Afterwards, we broke off for lunch at the high school. 

Then, we went to coarsegold elementary! Fun fun!

Tuning and warming up! Although... I'm not sure if we needed to warm up. 

A ton of kids!!

Finally, we went to Rivergold!

Then we headed home!!!!

XD 😆

Remember how we wanted 30 more people to sign up?? Well...... Let's just say... That we got 188 more kids to sign up!!!!

Great job everyone!!! I had fun playing with all of you! Have a great day! God bless you all!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

The Webmaster. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 10) August 7, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Today is the LAST DAY OF BAND CAMP!! Both exciting AND sad! 

Today was tropical day!

We worked more on lines and spaces without lines on the football field. We also worked on the field show A LOT! As well as rehearsing for tonight. 

The equipment crew randomly decided to have an ice bucket challenge, and both Joe and Kelsey got soaked!

Then we broke off for lunch, and then the band went down to the pool. (Sorry I didn't go). 
See you all tonight...

Well tonight was fun!!

We marched in a block to perform for our parents. 

The drill down was AWESOME!!

Then after the drill down we did the first movement of our field show!! Great job guys. I loved the straight lines!!!

Good job on the fight song too! I still think that we should have ran a lap, because the parents were louder in all honesty. ;) 

Otter Pops!! 

Great job Bat Burst! (Saucy bran-bran/Brandon) 

It was a great 2 weeks of band camp, and I am looking forward to seeing you all  in 2 weeks!! God bless!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

The Webmaster

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 9) August 6, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Hello all, today was Unity Group Day!!! 

So we all wore our team colors

We all did a lot of work today on the first movement! 

Later on, we all had fun playing our unity games! Go batbursts!...... I mean go Badgers!!

Later after lunch, we had sectionals! Joe Ekman took over the trumpet section again, and we all got a lot done! 
We later, played music to a simulated football (video game) game. It was very fun! 
God bless you all and see you tomorrow!

Sincerely. Your friend,

The Webmaster