Thursday, July 30, 2015

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 4) July 30, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Band Camp Day 4!! Today was a fun day! It was also Disney Day! But it was very hot! The smoke was just as bad as yesterday, so we did sectionals first...

Thank you Hunter Murphy (Alumni) for helping out the bass line!

After sectionals and lunch, we played a game called freeze. It was fun, but quite interesting at the same time.

Brandon's (not-so) depressing speech.

We had a great day, and got to set 11 (we finished 10 sets). Sorry that I didn't take a lot of pictures. Ill take more tomorrow!! See you all then!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 3) July 29, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Band camp day 3 turned out better than we expected!!

We started out a little bit differently today. Due to the smoke from the fire, we decided to do our daily sectionals. We worked on touching up our first movement for our field show, as well as trying to memorize most of it. We then practiced (in our separate sections) the star spangled banner.

Next, we had lunch, and then the equipment crew took stuff down to the field. Unfortunately, the lines that were made for us the day before were gone. :( So we used number markers.

We then taught everyone how to read drill sheets, and marked our music.

Then we took off towards the field, and practiced the first four sets. (Keep in mind that our goal is to get AT LEAST the first 4 sets completed by the end of the day!

And now... for an exciting announcement!!!! We not only completed the first 4 sets, but we completed...........the first 7 sets!! We then moved on to playing our instruments at the same time we did the 7 drill sets, which was exciting. Unfortunately it was so hot outside, so our instruments were really sharp!

A big thank you to the band moms for bringing us water, and Gatorade to drink during breaks!! You are greatly appreciated!!

We ALL are looking forward to tomorrow, and we are going to have a blast! 

Band members... Don't forget that tomorrow is Disney day!! And be sure to bring PLENTY of water!! Don't forget your sunscreen!! See you all tomorrow!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 2) July 28, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Welcome Back Everyone To Band Camp Day 2!!!! It was great!

Today, we worked on some more marching techniques:
  • Pivots
  • Backwards Marching
  • Marching & Pivoting With Our Instruments

After a LOT of hard work, we had some fun and played a game.

 Afterwards, we had our lunches! Yum!

 We broke up for sectionals afterwards!!

 The trumpet section is growing!! We already have 7 trumpet players (including me)! You can't even begin to imagine how excited that makes Mr. Marquez and I feel. [2 trumpet players are not pictured above]

 The percussion section is sounding great! Thank You Alex (Duggy) for helping them out! You are a big help!

The color guard is also coming along wonderfully! They are learning a lot, and we all (as a whole band family) would like to recognize Ambra for all of her efforts to making the color guard better and better, as well as making our band program shine!!

Afterwards, we played "Wah!" Enjoy the video! See you all tomorrow!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Yosemite High School Band Camp 2015 (Day 1) July 27, 2015 at 08:47AM (

The first day of band camp!!! 

Leadership setting up and getting ready!

The new & returning band members are pouring in!

We started out with introducing the leadership, doing some ice breakers, and headed down to the gymnasium. We did some stretches. There, we all learned (and taught) the new band members the basics of marching band:
•Parade Rest
•Horns Up
•Mark Time
•Marching (Glide Step)
•Dresses (Center, Left, & Right)

We broke out for lunch, the best part of the day. ;) 

We then broke out for sectionals!!

We can't wait for tomorrow! Please visit our website: 


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Parent Kickoff Dinner: July 26, 2015 at 09:22PM

Parent kickoff dinner was a blast! Feet food from Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Williams, and the rest. And a great thanks to all of the parents! You are what makes this program a success!! Thank you!!
